Jan 21, 2023
Apollon Formularies enters binding agreement which could lead to sale of all assets
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Sept 30, 2022
Apollon Formularies looking to develop export opportunities
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Sept 05, 2022
Apollon Formularies chief executive to be keynote speaker at US cannabis conference
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July 26, 2022
Apollon Formularies makes key Jamaica acquisition that helps it fulfil its strategy
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Our Expertise

Apollon medical cannabis formulations kill breast cancer cells at a rate of nearly 100% as demonstrated by recent third-party independent pre-clinical 3D cell culture laboratory data at BIOENSIS laboratories.
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Chronic Pain
The National Academy of Science 2017 Report cited conclusive or substantial evidence that cannabis and/or cannabinoids are effective for the treatment of chronic pain in adults.
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Palliative Care
The last days and hours of a person’s life can be associated with immense physical as well as emotional suffering. Medical cannabis may be of value for a number of conditions related to palliative care including but not limited to pain, nausea and vomiting, depression, anxiety and appetite stimulation.
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THC is known for its psychoactive properties, but the chemical has proven to be an ideal treatment for pain. High THC formulations can also be especially useful for patients in palliative care and cancer treatments. For other medical conditions that require extreme potency, large quantities of THC can be an effective tool for providing comfort and relief under the supervision of a licensed physician.
Read more >Apollon’s Timeline of Global Accomplishments
- Corporate milestones
- Intellectual achievements
- Awards & accolades
Apollon Formularies created by Dr. Stephen Barnhill and his family in order to help cancer patients globally with medical cannabis as it helped his mother who suffered with pancreatic cancer.
Completes Artificial Intelligence (AI) analysis for best strains to treat cancer and other conditions.
Invited to present artificial intelligence cannabis strain results at the medical school at The University of the West Indies.
Expands operations to Jamaica.
Wins 1st place at the Jamaican International HighTimes Cannabis Cup for best Indica strain used to treat cancer patients.
Signs Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University of the West Indies to perform fundamental, academic and medical patient research and allowed production and sales of medical cannabis for cancer patients.
Apollon Negril Facility opens for cancer patients using Apollon medical cannabis.
Apollon Receives Cannabis Licence Authority (CLA) Conditional Approval for cultivation, processing, research and development for manufacturing medical cannabis products and treating cancer patients.
Approved by CLA for full licence for Research and Development (Experimental).
Approved by CLA for full licences for Retail (Theraputic) and Processing (Tier 2).
Establishes Pharmaceutical Processing Labratory.
Wins prestigious Jack Herer Cup 1st place for best medical cannabis oil (solvent). Same Apollon oil used to treat cancer patients.
Apollon Negril Facility wins 1st in the world for medical cannabis health and wellness resort selected by Edibles magazine.
Apollon medical proprietary cannabis treatment formulations tested by 3rd party independent laboratory testing at BIOENSIS with results expected in early 2021.
Expands to Europe and becomes one of the first publicly listed medical cannabis companies on the Aquis exchange in London licenced to have high THC prescription medical products (AQUS:APOL).
Joint testing by BIOENSIS has revealed combined formulations with Aion Therapeutics Inc. are effective in killing HER2+ breast cancer cells grown in 3D cell culture via three separate mechanisms: direct cell cytotoxicity, immune stimulated T-cell cytotoxicity, and macrophage induced phagocytosis. HER2-positive constitutes approximately 20% of all breast cancers.
Opens the Apollon International Cancer Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), in Jamaica with medical cannabis treatments available by physician prescription.
Apollon’s medical cannabis formulations were shown to be effective in killing both hormone-resistant and hormone-sensitive prostate cancer cells in 3D cell cultures in third party independent laboratory testing by BIOENSIS.
Schedule Appointment
Schedule an appointment with us to discuss either:
Consultation, Share Dealing Enquiries, General Enquiries or legal
wholesale purchase of Apollon Products
Apollon Negril Facility
The Apollon Negril Facility has been utilised since 2015 to provide in-patient and out-patient medical cannabis treatment for use by patients needing access to prescribed medical cannabis. Apollon has treated in excess of 400 patients in the last 24 months at this facility.
Apollon Negril Facility
West End, Negril
Apollon International
Cancer Center
Ruthven Road, Kingston